Justin Rozeboom

Justin Rozeboom


Game Jams and Hackathons

XP Simulator
A Windows-XP-themed “bullet hell” game. Co-developed with Sam Anderson for the Out of Hibernation Game Jam.
Check it out on itch.io.

Textbook Summary Generator
Created for the HackED 2021 Hackathon, this terminal program uses the TextRank algorithm implemented in Python to summarize a chapter of a textbook in a desired number of sentences. The identification of chapters works for most pdf files with a normal hierarchy, but not all.
Download on GitHub.

AutoHotKey Scripts

Automate any repeated key or mouse press. Features modifiable delay in milliseconds and an option to toggle or hold to trigger input.
Download on GitHub.

Minecraft Strip Miner
Sends a series of timed inputs to the Minecraft window for strip mining. Blocks off used strips to protect from mobs. Distance between strips and length of strips are modifiable in source code.
Download on GitHub.

Mouse4 Disable
Basic script that waits for a member of a designated window group to activate and hides the thumb mouse button from the system. Useful for avoiding accidental page-back presses in browser games and such.
Download on GitHub.

Shutdown Timer
Opens a fullscreen black window with a timer that turns off the system after an inputted period of time. Useful for darkening the screen and automatically turning off the system at night while the computer is active with something like playing music or updating software.
Download on GitHub.

Zoom.exe Close
While many of us are forced to use Zoom, their software lacks the option to close completely, instead of minimize or minimize to system tray. This script wait for the Zoom window to close, and closes the process with a brief confirmation message.
Download on GitHub.

Python Scripts

AHS Scraper
Searches for earlier vaccine re-booking fitting criteria (before x, not on days y,z) dates and notifies user. Can be easily automatically re-run with task scheduler. Built with Selenium.

UAlberta Scraper
Scrapes University of Alberta Catalogue website for new instructor postings for a specified course (URL as argument) Built with BeautifulSoup. Runs in terminal without opening a browser window.

Plotting Rationals
This MatPlotLib program plots on a grid of a given size the visual demonstration of the proof that the set of rationals is countably infinite. Points of duplicate value are procedurally removed, and a line tracing a countable path is drawn.
Download on GitHub.

Processing and p5.js

Perlin Noise
Animation of slices through 3D Perlin noise, with a colourful quantized palette. Made with p5.js.

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